Monday, November 23, 2009

Somewhat Homeless

I'm usually a little more responsible than I had been the last couple of weeks. I'm not a math genius but I still had a sense of budget. What steered me away from these usual habits? The excitement of New York City or over reliance of money I thought was coming but had already came? Let me explain.

I had my first credit card used for the NYC trip expecting to stick on a budget until my Cherokee scholarship came to cover the costs. I had at that time asked bursar three times if the money had came and swore it never did. I didn't research how much everything actually cost in NYC, but still I didn't worry because I had money coming in, right?

Wrong!!! After the trip, I talked to people granted the same scholarship and realizing that they received their money two months before. I decided then to find out where my money went once and for all. After searching for fifteen minutes in their systems with a busy line, we finally figured out that the money did come in August but because of the conversion to OZONE showed my tuition costs just at $2900 without proper representation of the money showing up instead of it actually being $4200 and the money being subtracted.

So no more money until next semester? Nope.

This makes me panic. A little. Because of me being gone a week from work, my check went bye bye just this last Friday paying immediate bills. I also only have enough money on the credit card to get a week worth of gas. I need two. What to do?

Going to mom's for Thanksgiving is out of the question but is not as big of a deal because my dad's side lives near Norman so I won't be alone. However, my grandparents (I live with them currently) live thirty minutes away from school and work. Between the two, I need to drive everyday. I also don't have a dependable driver to take me anywhere. How can I make sure this gas money lasts?

Go back to my Grandparents house as little as possible.

This translates to spending nights in Norman. I don't really want to be a burden on anyone though, especially since this is just until the next paycheck, so my place of sleep will be on campus. I hear that the Union stays open 24-7 so I know I have a place to sleep. Kind of.

It's Thanksgiving Break this week so a lot of spots will be closed. I spent last night in my car in one of the parking lots, but since I kept my car off so to not kill the battery, I almost froze to an icicle. To make it worse, the shower at the Huff wouldn't spit out warm water for the first five minutes. It was also interesting to brush my teeth outside with the water bottle being the source for rinsing.

So far, I plan on spending two more nights in Norman, tonight for sure at the Union, before spending two nights back at the Grandparents house. I also know that I could easily spend the next Sunday thru Thursday on campus again with no issues, but I still haven't planned out this Friday or Saturday night out yet. Campus will be mostly closed and yet I will have to be in Norman for work both days. Maybe calling a friend is needed after all. We'll see how the gas tank is looking then.

I packed some food. That part hasn't been an issue yet since lots of free food was given out today. It may not be true in the future so I'll worry about it when that gets here.

I gotta write more details when this is over. Both mom and dad will freak when this is found out. However, I know neither one can help me right now and I got to do what I got to do. Carry on.

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